
My name is Sophie Kersey. I have wanted to be a writer since I was 5, but find myself at 51 in a long-term career and still only writing in my spare time. Suddenly this doesn’t make sense to me any more. I know my husband, Jon, and I can live on less – we learned how when he downgraded his job. If I’m to get my novel, Unspeakable Things published, I need to dedicate myself to writing. So I’m giving up the day job to follow my dream.  Find out if I discover the life I long for, or fall flat on my face – and learn some great money-saving tips along the way!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. This is so encouraging Sophie – I am aiming to do the same in about a year’s time. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was about eight but my mum told me it’s impossible to earn a living from writing, and stupidly I continued to believe it despite publishing bits and pieces here and there while working at other things! What was it Philip Larkin said?? I look forward to reading how you are doing.


  2. Your blog found me this morning. I am so eager to keep reading.I am in a shiny new boat too,traveling down the same stream.


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